2008年5月27日 星期二

【jj stamps】some new arrivals

some new arriaval

emilia 應該是全台蒐集jj字章最為齊全的人哩!結果我好像都沒有買@@”…真是應該考慮一下那些65折即將絕版的限量字章呀!!


I’m sure that emilia must be the one who owns the most stamps from justjohanna in Taiwan!!

If I were you, I will take those discontinued stamps to my shopping cart!:P

I just counted how many stamps from justjohanna I have so far, and there are “only” 13 of them in the small box!!

Yes! I still have a lot to go!! :P

3 則留言:

feellike 提到...


Noel 提到...

You know how many I have. hahaha. You're Good. Believe


emilytwn 提到...

哈哈~相信我,你的印章會倍增 within a very very short time... no one

could resist those cute images!!